Cloud Solutions Company

Cloud Solutions has long established itself as one of HMG’s pivotal units. In 2023, it elevated its status as the lynchpin of the Group’s network infrastructure through a series of new products, projects and partners. It also expanded its reach to more clients across diverse locations, culminating in outstanding performance.
Completed projects
Ongoing projects
Sytems acquisitions
Launching Innovative Products
Building AI engine capabilities
Queuing system
Building loT capabilities

Medical Diagnostic Laboratories Company

Celebrating nine years of resounding successes at HMG, our Medical Diagnostic Laboratories arm (MD Lab) delivered an exceptional year of operational results, worthy of its milestone anniversary. Supervising and managing 19 satellite labs and processing more than 12.5 million tests was a remarkable feat, demonstrating its value to the HMG healthcare system and the well-being of the community.

Products and Initiatives Highlights in 2023

  • Renal pathology services

  • Metabolomics for advanced newborn screening (NBS)

  • Phlebotomy re-assessment program

  • Digitalization of relaying critical result

  • Using Indexor program for tracking transported samples, and improving TAT

  • Microbiology total lab automation

  • Automated clinical decision support (CDS) solution

  • Additional 32 unique tests

  • Re-introduction of human leukocyte antigens (HLA)

Samples (16.5% improvement)
Staff satisfaction
Customer satisfaction
Test accuracy
Turnaround time (achievement of target)

Home Healthcare Company

Delivering essential care to patients in need within the comfort of their own homes, the Group’s Home Healthcare Company (HHC) continued to offer increasingly advanced medical services and products in 2023. Through a series of initiatives, innovations and partnerships, HHC brought extended treatments, more accurate diagnoses and additional self-administered medication.

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Flow Medical Company

Flow Medical Company, the Group’s trailblazing engineering, technical subsidiary and partner, cemented a year of outstanding achievements with innovative products and long-term strategic partnerships to strengthen HMG’s progressive healthcare services and significantly expand its customer base.

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Taswyat Management Company

Taswyat leverages advanced technology with offerings that oversee the entire RCM process. This encompasses managing tasks such as insurance contracting, setting prices, mapping services, appointment scheduling, patient registration, obtaining approvals, coding diagnoses, billing management, as well as overseeing the collection and settlement stages.
